Equality of Opportunity


Equality of opportunity is a political ideal that is opposed to caste hierarchy but not to hierarchy per se. When equality of opportunity prevails, the assignment of individuals to places in the social hierarchy is determined by some form of competitive process, and all members of society are eligible to compete on equal terms. Different conceptions of equality of opportunity construe this idea of competing on equal terms variously.

The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Equality of opportunity is a political ideal that is opposed to caste hierarchy but not to hierarchy per se. The background assumption is that a society contains a hierarchy of more and less desirable, superior and inferior positions. Or there may be several such hierarchies. In a caste society, the assignment of individuals to places in the social hierarchy is fixed by birth. The child acquires the social status of his or her parents at least if their union is socially sanctioned. Social mobility may be possible in a caste society, but the process whereby one is admitted to a different level of the hierarchy is open only to some individuals depending on their initial ascriptive social status. In contrast, when equality of opportunity prevails, the assignment of individuals to places in the social hierarchy is determined by some form of competitive process, and all members of society are eligible to compete on equal terms. Different conceptions of equality of opportunity construe this idea of competing on equal terms variously.

Table of Contents
  1. Formal Equality of Opportunity
    1. Being qualified for a competitive position.
    2. Formal Equality of Opportunity and Market Freedom
    3. Discrimination and Formal Equality of Opportunity
    4. Discrimination and Derogation
  2. Substantive Equality of Opportunity
    1. Discrimination and Fair Equality of Opportunity
    2. Democratic Equality of Fair Opportunity
    3. Other Conceptions of Substantive Equality of Opportunity
    4. Affirmative Action
  3. Social Mobility and Equality of Opportunity
  4. The Scope of Equality of Opportunity
  5. Widening the Equal Opportunity Ideals
  6. Legal Enforcement of Equality of Opportunity
    1. Antidiscrimination Law: Disparate Treatment and Disparate Impact
  7. The Level Playing Field Conception: Luck Egalitarianism
  8. A Kantian Interpretation of Equality of Opportunity
  9. Equality of Opportunity and Meritocracy
  10. Justifications of Equality of Opportunity
  11. Critiques
    1. The Libertarian Critique: Robert Nozick’s Version.
    2. The Libertarian Critique: Richard Epstein’s Version
    3. Genetics and the Relevance of Equality of Opportunity
    4. The Morality of Inclusion
    5. Relational Equality
    6. The Leveling-down Objection
    7. The Fairness-to-the-Worse-Off Critique of FEO
  12. Conclusion
  13. Bibliography
  14. Academic Tools
  15. Other Internet Resources
  16. Related Entries

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